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Real-time Formula 1
telemetry and timing

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What are our Features?

Sector Times & Mini Sectors

Get all the sector times with colored mini sectors, too see where exactly a driver has improved his lap time.


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Driver Status

See the status of DRS and PIT of every driver at a glance and check on what lap he is on.




Tires & Pit Stops

Monitor tire usage and pit stop strategies throughout the race. Keep track of when drivers make their crucial pit stops, switch tire compounds, and manage their tire wear to optimize race performance.


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Gap & Lap Times

Compare current and best lap times and analyze gaps between drivers.





Qualifying Mode

Switch to qualifying mode for in-depth analysis of qualifying sessions. Access detailed insights into each driver's performance during qualifying laps, including sector times, lap history, and starting positions for the race.

Violation Tracker

Stay on top of race regulations with the violation tracker. Get a overview about any rule infringements or penalties issued during the session.

Multi window setups

Customize your viewing experience with multi-window setups. Arrange and display multiple data streams simultaneously, allowing you to focus on the metrics that matter most to you without missing any of the action on the track.

Favorite Drivers Filters

Personalize your dashboard by filtering information based on your favorite drivers. Follow specific drivers closely throughout the race, receiving updates tailored to their progress and performance on the track.

Customizable UI

Tailor the dashboard to suit your preferences with a customizable user interface. Adjust layouts, data displays, and visual elements to create a personalized viewing experience that enhances your enjoyment of Formula 1 racing.

Modern Design

The design ensures that all information is readily accessible at a glance, enhancing your Formula 1 viewing experience.

Made with Tailwind

Inspired by Vercel

Inspired by Apple

Whats on our roadmap?

Favorite Driver Highlighting & Filtering · Driver Analytics for Pit Stop · Driver Head-to-Head Comparison · Full Race Playback · Notifications for Race Control Messages · Tire Lap Times Comparison · Your suggestion?